Danske Kirke i Australien danishchurch.org.au



The domain danishchurch.org.au currently has an average traffic ranking of zero (the lower the superior). We have examined twenty pages within the domain danishchurch.org.au and found seven websites interfacing with danishchurch.org.au. There is one public media accounts possessed by danishchurch.org.au.
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Danish Club, Sydney

Welcome to the Danish Club, Sydney. Welcome to the Danish Club in Sydney. The Club has recently revitalised its capital base via sale of the old clubhouse, we are looking for new activities, and we are easy going but, we lack people who are prepared to engage, give a hand, and make things happen.

Dansk i Melbourne Just another WordPress.com weblog

Formålet med siden er at informere om hvor du finder danskere i Melbourne, dansk kultur og dansk mad. Skriv et svar Annuller svar.

Forside Danske Sømands- og Udlandskirker

Vi ansætter og udsender præster til betjening af danskere, dansksindede og søfolk udenfor landets grænser. På evangelisk-luthersk grund varetager vi den kirkelige betjening såvel som det kulturelle fællesskab mere end 50 steder i verden. Også turister, backpackere, au-pairs og udstationerede gør brug af de danske kirker i udlandet. UNG DERUDE - KLIK HER! SE FILMEN MED JOHN and SUSANNE.

elty savner København a sydney girl back from exchange in copenhagen.

A sydney girl back from exchange in copenhagen. I had intended this blog to be a record of what I did while on exchange in 2010. However, the entire experience did nothing to satisfy the travel bug in me. And so, a change is in order.

Danes in Australia - Home

Gold, Gold, Gold. Danes who fought in World War I. Danes who fought in World War II. Scandinavian Association of South Australia. Scandinavian Association of Western Australia.


Desktop Screenshot of danishchurch.org.au Mobile Screenshot of danishchurch.org.au Tablet Screenshot of danishchurch.org.au


I observed that a lone page on danishchurch.org.au took one thousand one hundred and four milliseconds to load. I could not observe a SSL certificate, so therefore our parsers consider this site not secure.
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1.104 secs
Internet Protocol



We observed that this website is employing the nginx operating system.


Danske Kirke i Australien danishchurch.org.au




The domain danishchurch.org.au states the following, "De tre kirker Find os." We analyzed that the webpage also said " Vil du til Australien? Klik her for at finde vej til kirken." It also stated " Velkommen til Den Danske Kirke i Australien. 189137,34,365903 0. Klik her for betaling af fx medlemsskab, varer og donationer. 28 mar 1000 - 1300. 28 mar 1300 - 1430. Brug for én at tale med?." The header had Globalt-nøgleord as the highest ranking search term. This keyword was followed by global-keyword which isn't as urgent as Globalt-nøgleord.


Home - Danish Lutheran Church of New Zealand

Danish Lutheran Church of New Zealand. Kirken er en privat dansk kirke, som bygger på den danske folkekirkes bekendelses-grundlag. Og er under gejstligt tilsyn af Lolland-Falsters biskop. Formålet med kirken er, at give danskere i udlandet mulighed for, at bevare forbindelsen til de traditioner og ritualer, som vi kender fra den Danske Folkekirke.

Danish Church in CA

Baptism, Confirmation, Weddings and Memorials. To learn more please contact the pastor or click below. The Danish Lutheran Church and Cultural. July 26th - 11 am Service and lunch. August 2nd, 9th and 16th - 11 am Services and Coffee. August 23rd - 11 am Service and coffee 3 pm Short and Sweet Summer Service followed by BBQ. August 30th - 11 am Service and lunch.

Ravings from a Danish City at Night

Ravings from a Danish City at Night. Ravings - thoughts, idea, memes, grumpings, growlings, mumbles and other assorted utterances - - - - Danish City - Aalborg, Northern Jutland, Denmark, Europe, Terra, Sol system, Orion Arm of the Milky Way, known Quantum Universe - - - At Night - only time I have to write this blog.

Learn Danish Online with Podcasts - DanishClass101

Or sign up using Facebook. Over 650 Audio and Video Lessons. Vocabulary Learning Tools and Spaced Repetition Flashcards. Lesson Discussions and Feedback from Teachers. With free Danish lessons released every week! .


Danishclassic - 20th century Designs and Posters. I alt 0,00 DKK. Ramsing Keramik - Påske and Jule figurer. Nyheder plakater - New Posters in shop. Danmark- danish - scandinavien posters. Art - Circus - Music. Quistgaard DANSK - Krenchel -. Kay Bojesen - Teak figurer mm. Georg Jensen - Stelton- Arne Jacobsen. Lys-Lightings- and Møbler - Furnitures. Royal Copenhagen, Aluminia, Bing and Grøndahl.